I did not sleep here.

Favourite girl in the frame.

The row of green seats, mildly dusty. With minimum ventilation when the doors are shut the Madras museum theatre in Chennai is an old world charm.
With purple curtains, and a small makeshift stage, the theatre meets all your expectations.
A bright light caught my eye, which I followed and found a trail of yellow light bulbs around. The green room is a decent sized square room that has a lavatory and functional lights.
The stage can accommodate a group of 50 people.
It's a dome shaped structure on the top, like a globe theatre of the 50s.
It reminds me of the IMAX globe theatre that we were taken to when we were in 5th grade, during school.
The theatres I never fell in love with, but this one made me wait.
Asked to come again.

The seats and purple doors of the theatre

The stage and my friends. 🌼

( We were taken to the museum during Preeti Zachariah's module on 10th February 2020 as a part of our class assignment at The Asian College of Journalism. This was one of the first times I did not sleep or feel claustrophobic in a theatre... )


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