Love Notes 101

Pushing you to do more. 

Pushing you to take the last drag.

Streets of this place resonate with all that I like. Reminds me of times I have spent with my boys and my girls.

On a Sunday morning, i spotted myself in a quaint street which was absurdly silent and offered all that i wished to take in. 

It smells like no human existed| Has the silence of Bombay from olden days| Exhibits old grey structures with minarets| Pushes you to go meet the sea| 

An amalgamation of all that your heart wants in a day or night. Surprisingly, at night, it is bustling in one street and silent like a funeral in the other. 

I stood in the middle of the street, in the wee hours of the day, on an otherwise busy road to stare and probably take all of it in me. 

Is Colaba your secret hideout too? 


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